Thursday, March 18, 2010

The new Bloom

I'm so excited because a fabulous new grocery store has opened up right around the corner from my house. If the location wasn't enough, it's a Bloom grocery store which is a specialty style grocery store owned by the same company that owns Food Lion, so apparently it's cheaper than Harris Teeter. The only reason that I say "apparently" is because I haven't gotten a chance to actually do a good comparison, but it does seem cheaper. It certainly doesn't hurt that I got in the mail 4 coupons for $5 off of a $25 purchase each dated for one of the first 4 weeks they are open, so they at least have my attention. Couple that with the fabulous goodie bag that I got at the sneak peak happy hour Tuesday night before the grand opening. It was a great Bloom reusable shopping bag stuffed full of full-sized food and products: cereal, soup, peanut butter, chips, snack mix, dryer sheets, cookies, pasta... that maybe isn't even all, but the point is it was good! They have all sorts of computers all around the store so that you can look up a price or look up info about a product, so they also have me from that fun, techy standpoint. Overall, like I said, so excited!

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