Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How this experiment of mine got started...

So, like many people right now, my husband and I have been trying to find ways to cut down on our expenses. One easy way to cut down is to limit what we like to call the "entertainment budget." Easier said than done because I'm not one who is really happy sitting at home and doing "nothing." I live watching TV as much as the next person (probably more) but I start to go a little stir-crazy. I'm definitely a person who likes to be on the go and living life to the fullest (and having as much fun as possible). I started thinking to myself, I live in this great city, what opportunities are out there that I am not taking to have fun for free or at least for very little cost? So, I came up with the idea to challenge myself for 1 month to see how much fun I could have and how many different things I could experience for how little money. I've been doing a lot of research, mostly on the Internet and in free newspapers, and, let me tell you, there are a lot of great things to do here in Charlotte for little or no money. It has been a busy summer, so I needed a month where I was in town every day, and August it is. So, my experiment/ challenge begins August 1st.

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