Monday, December 29, 2008

More Deals at Brixx

OK, OK, I know that I write about Brixx a lot, but there are truly some fantastic deals to be had at Brixx. I got an email from fellow cheap-and-free-er Courtney Disposti that there was a Brixx coupon in the back of the phone book, and you know how much I love a coupon. Sure enough, buy one get one free pizza right there in the back of the phone book. Thanks for the tip, Courtney! Of course, we went on a Monday, the best night of the week because of the $1.95 Domestic Drafts. Now, here's where the deals got awesome. So, while we were there, Buddy reached the point on his MBA Card where he had drank enough beers to earn a free pizza. Our fantastic server let us use the coupon from the phone book and redeem the MBA free pizza. So, the grand total for 5 awesome beers and 2 pizzas was $10.55. And that fantastic server? He earned himself a $10 tip that night! Remember cheap-and-free-ers, always tip your servers well!

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