Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Second String Santa

Second String Santa is seriously one of my favorite events all year in Charlotte. Have you been? It's a fantastic kick-off to the holiday season. Here's the deal, for $20 and a toy donation or $40 you get admission and then all you can eat and all you can drink wine, beer, and soda. It's a formal event, which I love. It's great to get those dresses out of the closet that there is never any reason to wear. 

It's a pretty good deal as is, but this year I discovered a way to make it even sweeter. I volunteered, for 1 hour of toy collecting, I didn't have to pay cover. That's a $20 an hour gig, pretty awesome. Plus, collecting toys was a great amount of fun. I love chatting with people, so it was the perfect job for me. 

After my volunteering, then it was time to party. I pretty much danced the night away with my girls, and we had a blast. 

Now, here are some amazing Second String Santa statistics: 4000 people attended, 3000 toys (including 3 bikes) and $54,000 were collected. There are a lot of kiddos who are going to have great Christmases because of the attendees and everyone involved with Second String Santa. Now, that's a great event. It's a good time, a good deal and a fabulous cause.

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