Thursday, November 27, 2008

Give Thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Here's a great thing to do that is always free, giving thanks! I actually write down five things that I am thankful for every day in a journal that I keep by my bed. It's a great way to keep this crazy life in perspective. Here are a few things that I am thankful for this Thanksgiving day: my buddy, that man can make me laugh like no one else on this earth; my dogs, it was a tough year with losing Maddie, but I'm glad that Ella found us and so is Mandy; my job, so many people are struggling with this right now, and I am thankful that, not only do I have a job, I really like my job; I'm healthy and everyone in my family is healthy; my new niece, Isabella Grace, I haven't gotten to meet her yet, but will for Christmas and just can't wait, my kitties, I love watching all of my animals hang out together. These are just a few of the fabulous things that I am thankful for. I wish you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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