Saturday, November 15, 2008

Buddy Loves Samples

Buddy (that's what I affectionately call my husband, he calls me buddy too) hates going to the grocery store, and, I mean hates. There is one notable exception, and that is Earth Fare, and I'll tell you why he likes that store: free cheese samples. So, when I told him that Earth Fare was going to be hosting their Taste of Thanksgiving event and handing out samples of Thanksgiving dinner, he was so in. Of course, we had to enter the store near the cheese section, so we had our fill of the cheese, meandered and did some other shopping, and then made our way to the free Thanksgiving. It was delicious! My favorite quote of the day happened while I was then waiting to order our Thanksgiving turkey. Buddy said to me, "If this takes much longer, I'm going to have to get another plate." I told him to just go, and he was off and running before I got the last word of my sentence out. These plates were more than a snack too, a very enjoyable way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

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