Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Freebies for Voting

Happy Election Day, everybody! I hope you all voted today and I also hope that you all took advantage of some of the freebies to be had today. 

I got up early to vote before work and when I was all finished, I stopped first at Starbucks for my free cup of coffee. They were giving away a free tall coffee to anyone who came in and said that they voted.

I had also heard that Chick-fil-a was giving away free chicken sandwiches at work and even verified online that Charlotte was one of the cities particpating. Unfortunately, when I went to the Chick-fil-a at Southpark Mall, I didn't get a sandwich. They just said that they had been hearing it all day, but that, no, it wasn't true. I pass the Chick-fil-a on Woodlawn on my way home and was going to try again, but there was an accident and Woodlawn was closed right there (Hope those people are OK, the cars looked pretty smashed up) so I can't verify this one. I had no luck.

Ben and Jerry's was giving away a free scoop of ice cream to anyone who voted today, but only from 5-8pm. My plan was to go get the dogs, drop them off, eat a quick dinner, and then head out again to get my free ice cream. However, I started watching election coverage and got sucked in, so decided against it. I'm still thinking about that ice cream right now.

At least I got my free coffee! I think it's great that all of these places were supporting the election in this way!

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