Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wine-down Wednesday

I seriously work across the street from Village Tavern, and, I'm ashamed to admit it, but this is the very first time that I have been to Wine-down Wednesday. Basically, all bottles of wine are half off. How great is that? You can get a whole bottle of wine for less than the price of two glasses. Now, just because I love you all, maybe take a drinking buddy to either help you finish that deal of a bottle of wine or to sit and watch you drink it and give you a ride home!

Another thing that I love about the Village Tavern is the patio. And, that I have taken advantage of many, many times. It is big and has a great view of Southpark. Plus, now that it's getting a little cooler outside, they bring in heaters, so the patio can really be enjoyed almost year-round, unless it's raining, of course!

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