Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Crossroads Charlotte: The Movie

Have you ever thought about what Charlotte will be like in 2015? Will this city have prospered or tanked? Who will be our leaders? Some fantastic artists and poets have really profound ideas about these things and this is what Crossroads Charlotte: The Movie is all about.

My friend, Sharon, and I attended the free premiere at the new Epicentre Theater and it was amazing, even life-changing. The movie is comprised of 4 very different stories of how Charlotte's future could turn out, from the very bleak 'Fortress Charlotte' to the happy existence of 'Eye to Eye.' There are also some wonderful poetic responses to the 4 stories, the most moving one to me being the response to 'Fortress Charlotte.' Everyone in Charlotte needs to see this movie. All of the attendees of the 6 free premieres last night received a free copy of the DVD, so there are quite a few of these rolling around the city. Plus, it will be airing on WTVI on February 19th. Be looking for your very own Cheap & Free Blogger, as I was interviewed for for my reaction after the film.

We are at a crossroads, quite literally, right now, and we all need to decide if we are going to be the change that we want to see in the world or if we are going to just sit back and hope that someone else does it. Crossroads Charlotte is so much more than just a movie, it's a movement. Get involved and let everyone know what you are going to do shape Charlotte's future.

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