Saturday, August 16, 2008

Challenge Day 15- Grand Opening Party at Plan B

For the fifteenth day of my challenge, I went to Plan B's Grand Opening with friends. Yes, Plan B has been open since May, but this was the official Grand Opening Celebration. It was a fantastic time, as most grand openings are. 

There were a couple of great bands that played, plus, as an added bonus, we got to watch Michael Phelps win the 100M Butterfly, a truly awesome moment to be in a bar. Plan B couldn't have planned that bit of entertainment any better for their party. The drink specials were in full effect, with the delicious $5 Plan B shot being introduced, a bit pricey, but it's the size of 2 shots, so not actually too bad. 

A beer distributor was there handing out freebies. I left with a Smirnoff t-shirt that is pretty cool and that I actually would wear. They also gave away an all-expense paid trip to Puerto Rico. Unfortunately, my free challenge hasn't yet resulted in me winning a cool trip, but my day will come. Refer back to my tips, enter every contest that you can. Winning them is awesome. 

I'm going to add a new tip, keep on the lookout for grand openings. They are always a fabulous cheap & free thing to do. As soon as you hear of or see a new, cool place start looking on the Internet. Likely, the website will have a link to be added to an email list for updates. I know that with each of the grand openings in the Epicentre, they were ticketed events. Act early, get on those email lists and, you too, will be a ticket holder. Look at you being all fabulous in Charlotte!

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