Monday, August 25, 2008

Challenge Day 25- Brixx

For Challenge Day 25, I went to Brixx for one of the best deals in town, $1.50 Domestic Microbrew Drafts. We're talking the good beers here. If $1.50 Coors Lite is a good deal, then this is other-worldly. On this particular night, I had a fantastic Highland Gaelic, I love anything that brewery puts out, and also tried a new beer, Bell's Summer Ale. Both were delicious. 

Did I mention that I had a coupon from my favorite coupon book, Charlotte Citipass, for buy one, get one free entrees, so the food was a great deal also. Especially since, I can't ever eat a whole pizza there, so I have lunch all ready for tomorrow.

I also started my new Brixx MBA card (Masters of Beer Appreciation, I know, it's a great name) while I was there. The program is simple, try new beers. You get a card and they check them off for you as you go. 8 beers, you get a bottle-opener key chain. 16 Beers, you get a free pizza. 24 Beers, you get a t-shirt. And, 32 Beers, you get a Brixx Bash, $50 in free appetizers and food for you and your friends. How much does it cost you to join this program? Nothing. Now, how Cheap and Free is that?

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